Importing Sales from CSV

How to Format Your CSV

Line Items

  • Each line in your CSV will be one line item

  • This means orders can span multiple lines, with each line representing one line item in the order

  • If an order has multiple line items, you will want to repeat the information other than the product name / SKU, quantity, and unit price

  • We will use the first line with a particular Order Number to fill all the non-line-item related fields, but it is safest to just add the customer, shipping, etc. information to all the lines of that order

Column Names

  • These are the columns we support (* means required):

    • Sale Number*

    • Customer First Name

    • Customer Last Name

    • Company Name

    • Customer Email

    • Shipping Address Line 1

    • Shipping Address Line 2

    • Shipping City

    • Shipping State

    • Shipping Zip Code

    • Shipping Country

    • Product Name* - See Line Items

      • Either Product Name or product SKU must be present, but you don't need both

    • Product SKU* - See Line Items

      • If Product Name and Product SKU are both present, we'll try the SKU first

    • Product Quantity* - See Line Items

    • Product Unit Price* - See Line Items

    • Shipping (charged to customer)

    • Tax

    • Discounts

  • Note: Column names do not have to exactly match the column names in Inventora. You will be able to match up the columns in your CSV with the Inventora columns when you import.

Last updated